Welcome to

Quick Link

Let us worry about your website - so you don't have to!
Claim your quicklink.info site today

Our features

What you get

Creating a Quick Link site takes two seconds. Email us that you're interested in a site for your shop and include any important details or background on what you do.

Basic Website

We'll build a basic website for your business that tells info like store hours, phone number, and address to connect you with local customers!

Ready in 48 Hours

We'll build the website for you within 48 hours of request with your own Quick Link url!

Getting started

How it works

Let's make a website for your shop.

Email us

Email us your shop's name and address along with what your business does. The more detail the better!

We'll build your website

We'll build your website within 48 hours of receiving your email and we'll email your link when it's ready!

Pay (if you like it!)

If you like your site, we'll email a payment link to you!
If you aren't satisfied with your site, you can get a full refund within 30 days.


Only a one-time down payment plus $10 a month for hosting. Cancel anytime and get a refund if you aren't satisfied with our services.

Ready to claim your website?

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